CED48208 Mustang Mania Nr. 3


SKU: CED48208 Category:


P-51 Mustang Mania #3. P-51D-20, CV*R, “Ole Goat,” Maj. George A. Doersch, East Wretham, April 1945; P-51D, CG*A, “My Ready Steady” with TWO female nose art pieces!, 38th FS, 55th FG; P-51D-20, IV*D, “Hubert,” Lt. Rene L. Burtner, 369th FS, 359th FG, East Wretham, May 1945 (shot down Soviet Yak-9s near the end of WW II!); P-51D, CL*M, “Katydid,” Lt. Col. Elwyn Righetti, 338th FS, 55th FG