PYND72002 PYN-up Decals B-24 Liberated Chics Nr. 2


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PYN-up Decals Liberated Chics #2. Two of the most beautiful B-24 nose art schemes ever, this set includes B-24H-15-FO, “Leo,” one of the famous “Zodiac” ships from the 493 BG, Bill Hilfinger pilot, Philip Brinkman (artist). NOTE: this is definitely NOT the same ship as the later and lesser-known “Leo” from the same unit that carried artwork showing a lion morphing into a woman. The second bird is F-7A (B-24J-1-CO), “Hangover Haven II,” with its “drunken pink elephant” nose art from the 20 Combat Mapping Sq, natural metal scheme, John Noble, pilot, Al Merkling, artist.