PYND72010 PYN-up Decals P-47 Beautiful Jugs Part


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PYN-up Decals P-47 Beautiful Jugs Part 1. This set has gone on eBay for over $250. Without doubt the most famous Thunderbolt ever, P-47N-1-RE, 44-88043, “Short Snorter/2 Big And Too Heavy” has been the subject of a bazillion kit and aftermarket decals. Here, for the first time, you’ll get complete and accurate markings that fully capture the beauty and complexity of the shaded nose art and other markings. Obviously this set includes the completely different but equally stunning nose art for each side. Marked Black 21, this bird was assigned to the 333 FS/318 FG, in August 1945 on Ie Shima, Ryukyu Islands. The second Jug in this set is the presentation ship “In The Mood/”Jackson County, Michigan, Fighter” flown by Capt Gerald Johnson of the 61st FS/56th FG. This was a P-47D-1-RE, 42-7877, coded HV*D at Halesworth in the late Summer of 1943. This one was a huge research project and resulted in such fine touches as the correct shape of not only the “D” individual aircraft letter, but also the “HV” code painted on the right side (the left side had no squadron codes).