CED32030 Colorful Bf 109s Nr. 1


SKU: CED32030 Category:


Colorful Messerschmitt Bf 109s #1. Bf 109G-4/Trop, Yellow 7 over Red 5, Oblt Tonne, Staffelkapitan, 3./JG 53, with RLM 76 blue halfway up fuselage sides; Bf 109F-2, Black Chevron Triangle, Hans “Assi” von Hahn, Kommandeur I./JG 3, with interesting “ring” camouflage on center and rear fuselage; Bf 109F-2, Black 9 Tilde, 8./JG 54, with interesting grayed-out camouflage and white spine and wings winter camouflage overpaint.