CED32063 Colorful Hawk 75s Nr. 1.


SKU: CED32063 Category:


Colorful Hawk 75s #1. First is a Norwegian AF Hawk 75A-8 based at the “Little Norway” Base Camp, Ontario Island, Canada, 1942,in overall green primer. Next is another Norwegian AF Hawk 75A-8, this one in overall natural metal and based at Kjeller Air base, Oslo, Norway; 1940, where it was captured by the Germans and eventually sold by them to the Finnish Air Force. The Hawk 75A-7 flown by Sgt. P. C. Van Breen, ML-KNIL, 1-VLG-IV, NEIAF, Maospati Air Base, Netherlands East Indies, 1941, comes next. Hawk 75A-8, CU-581, flown by Lt. Veikko Evinen, Commander, 3/LeLv 32, March 1944, showcases the dramatic camouflage used by the Finnish AF. Hawk 75A-4, CUc-502, flown by Capt. Auvo Maunula, Leader, 1/LeLv 12, Joroinen, Finland, July 1941, features the two-tone scheme used by the Finns at that time as well as the “Joe Stalin – Great Satan” nose art. The final bird was a Mohawk IV, F/O Tim Meyer, 155 Sq. SEAC, RAF, Imphal, India, December 1943, carrying the name “Joe Soap II.”