CED48198 Mustang Mania Nr. 1


SKU: CED48198 Category:


Mustang Mania #1. P-51D-20-NA, “Man O’ War” with special field-applied camouflage striping to the top of the fuselage and wings, QP*A, Claiborne Kinnard Jr., 355th FG commander; P-51D-10, “Stinky,” IV*M, Joseph W. Mejaski, 369th FS, 359TH FG; P-51D, Robin Olds, “SCAT VII” in the correct ORANGE color with 21 kill markings, L2*W, 434th FS, 479TH FG, NOTE: this artwork was based on Gen Olds photos and confirmed for us by Gen Olds; P-51D-5-NA, “Happy Jack’s Go Buggy,” MC*O with the correct mixture of code letters and kill markings, Jack M. Ilfrey, 79th FS, 20th FG, 8th AF, 1944.