CED32062 P-36 Hawks Nr. 2


SKU: CED32062 Category:


P-36 Hawks #2. This MULTIPLE SHEET SET is our second P-36 Hawks set and covers four aircraft, carefully researched from a series of excellent photos we obtained from the AAHS and other sources. The first is P-36C, #69, Maj. Willis R. Taylor, 1 PG/27 PS, Cleveland National Air Races camouflage scheme, 1939. The second is P-36A, PA/91, 94th Pursuit Squadron, 1st Pursuit Group, Selfridge Field, 1939; P-36A, PT/1, Capt Ross G. Hoyt, 20th Pursuit Group Commander, Moffett Field, 1939-1940; P-36A, PA/70, 94th Pursuit Squadron, 1st Pursuit Group, Capt. Henry H. George, Commander 94th PS, Selfridge Field, 1939. This bird had the cowling trisected with the three squadron colors of blue, yellow, and red.